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CMS students gather to pay respects to Officer Moszer






CMS Food Drive!!!!

Thanks CMS for all the food that was donated! Student Council had a great time delivering food to the Dome!


Winners of the Fill the Dome Packer Time movie party are:


6th grade: Mrs. Holaday. 58 items

7th grade: Mrs. Helm.  87 items

8th grade: Mrs. Braun 203 items!



Geography Bee


Congratulations Jon Leier- an 8th Grader at CMS- for placing 3rd at the state level in Bismarck in April!  Way to go Jon! 

Orchestra at the Mall!

Click the link to read all about our Cheney Middle School's Inclusive Spirit Week!

National Mix-it-up Week!

Blind Joe!

By:  Taylor Halvorson



Have you seen all the things all over the school about Blind Joe?  Have you been wondering about his life story?  How did he become blind? How did he get on The Voice? Here is all the information you will need about him.


Blind Joe was born early which is why he lost his vision.  He was born three months early. The doctors told his parents he had an 85% chance he wasn’t going to live, but he survived.  He grew up on a farm right outside of Fargo in Kindred. Blind Joe is not his real name.  His real name is Joseph.  He was blind but that never stopped him from learning to play the guitar. He practiced a lot and holds his guitar on his lap sideways.


Blind Joe was on The Voice. He got all four chairs to and he ended up picking Blake Shelton. His story was so inspiring to people all over the United States.  He advanced on but his time ended during knock out round.  In the knock out round, he sang Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be Cowboys.  For auditions he sang, If it hadn't been for love.  He lost to a guy named Blaine Mitchell. Blind Joe went home to continue singing.


Blind Joe came to Cheney Middle School on Friday October 30th and shared his story.  He sent the message to students to never give up and keep trying until you get there. The other thing he did at our school was answered questions from the students.  Overall, Blind Joe wanted us to know that we should never give up on our dreams.



By: Landon C. Pritchard


Making new friends can be hard. If you’re looking to make a new friend, always remember to be yourself. If you see people that do things you don’t normally do, don’t automatically think they won’t be a good friend. They could just be doing something different, maybe for another friend! Lastly, make sure you're becoming friends with people that will lead you in the right direction, because when you’re with friends, they influence you.


Sometimes, making new friends isn’t even the hardest part, maintaining them is. If you’re always doing things your way, how do you think your friend feels?  Sometimes you should compromise or do something they want to do, even if you have it, because that’s what friends do. Remember not to make everything about you, you, you. Your friend wants to have fun with you, and you can’t do that when your only friend is yourself.


Another thing you should look for when looking for a new friend is what type of influence they will have on you. If they have a negative influence on you, that is not a friend you want to spend time with. They will get you into trouble with small things at first, but eventually they will lead you to a life of drugs and violence. Things like you can do it, good job, and congratulations are all signs of a positive influence, or positive peer pressure. I know I would rather have someone saying congrats then offering me drugs.


Now we’re on to the negative influence, or negative peer pressure. As said before, they are bad friends and will potentially ruin your life. People with a bad influence on you will offer you drugs, and ask you to tag along on a vandalism spree. You accept the offer, and spend twenty years in prison, all because of your friends. If you see people doing anything you wouldn’t do yourself, or in front of your family, walk away and don’t talk to them.


Now I’m going to talk about the six pillars of character. To me, the most important of the pillars is respect. If you can respect a friend, and they respect you, you have a great friendship. Respect is something all people in general should learn to have for each other. Respect is like glue; if you have it, it will make a friendship stick together.


Now I will talk about a person’s character in friendship, and what to do if the friendship doesn’t work out. Your character is like your job. If you want a good job, you need to have a good character. Your character is basically who you are, how you act, and how people see you. Now, we’ll get to the other side of friendship. If you know for a fact that you don’t want to be friends with someone anymore, do it politely. Just talk to them about it, and maybe they will agree. If you don’t want to confront them, subtly start hanging out with them less and less, and the breakup will work out on its own, without a fight.

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